Favorite Union Bear Beer - Pilsner - It's light, crisp and pairs with anything. I would personally pair it with the Buttermilk Chicken Sandwich (Plano) and Falafel Burger (Denton).

If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be? - Bacon!

If you could give your 18 year old self advice, what would it be? - Stop Buying CDs and Buy Apple Stock!

Why did you choose the restaurant industry? — It chose me. I left after college and couldn't get back soon enough!


Favorite Union Bear Beer - No Coast IPA! I love the dank nose on the front followed by the citrusy finish that doesn't linger like a hop bomb on my pallet.  It's smooth and full bodied with a bold and clean finish!

What is your favorite movie?  As Good As It Gets

What was the first concert you attended?  Cypress Hill.  My oldest brother took me when I was 13 because he was friends with the GM.  I had no business being there but it was quite the experience and I look back on it very fondly.

What are you going to be doing exactly 10 years from this moment?  Working at Union Bear Mexico, surfing, and taking time off to watch my daughter perform on Broadway!


Favorite Union Bear Beer - No Coast IPA. I'm an IPA guy, and NCIPA has the best attributes of several styles of IPA. I love pairing it with Korean Shrimp Tacos, Fish & Chips, and Pineapple Express pizza.

If you were going to be stuck on a deserted island what three things would you bring? - Fishing pole, knife, fire starter

Why did you choose your profession? - It combines structure with creativity, and it's different every day. 

What condiment can you not live without? - Chipotle Tabasco. It adds heat, acid, and flavor.